Jenkintown Masonic School of Instruction
Jenkintown Masonic Temple
443 Old York Road, Jenkintown, PA 19046
Schedule: First, Third Tuesday and Fourth Monday
The school of instruction is heldthe First and Third Tuesday and Fourth Monday of every month unless stated otherwise. 7:00 Eastern Prevailing Time.
7:00 PM Eastern Prevailing Time
We encourage members of our masonic community who are interested in learning and/or improving their Masonic Ritual proficiency to be part of our Masonic School of Instruction located at the Jenkintown Masonic Temple, 443 Old York Road, Jenkintown, Pennsylvania 19046.
The Masonic School of Instruction helps to cover any of the symbolic Ritual Work as well as other Masonic topics, which are of interest to you. Our programming meets the requirements of the District “C” Mentoring Program.
Parking is free. Light refreshments will be served after classes end for the night.
Meetings occur on the first and third Tuesday of every month in addition to the fourth Monday unless noted otherwise. Meetings and classes begin at 7:00 PM.
Certification in Degree Work
Anyone who wishes to be certified in degree work or other additional types of work, after being checked by a school official, must make an appointment in advance with the school president.
For More Information
For more information, you may contact Vincent J. Negro, WM through our Contacts page or refer to your mailed Lodge Notice.