Welcome to Concordia Lodge – A Message from our Worshipful Master

Welcome to Concordia Lodge No. 67, F. & A. M.’s website, the official website of Concordia Lodge No. 67, F. & A. M. out of Jenkintown, PA.

We are an active lodge of Brothers dedicated to the growth and advancement of our brothers and our society. Simply stated, we make good men better men by adhering to Masonic principles and values.

I would be happy to discuss with you what we stand for and what we do; I invite you to call me, Steven R. Ross, Worshipful Master of Concordia Lodge No. 67, F. & A. M. with any questions you may have.

I hope all have had a great holiday and I wish you a Happy New Year. I look forward to another Masonic year and thank all Concordia Lodge No. 67, F. & A. M. members for allowing me to serve as your Worshipful Master for 2018. I will do all I can to facilitate the well being of our Lodge and fulfill the trust you have placed in me.

My program for 2018 is based on the four “Fs”: Fellowship, Fitness, Family, and Fun. The focus of our activities is designed to enrich and enlighten our Brothers while enjoying fellowship and having fun. Our activities will include many diverse disciplines such as history, education, gaming, entertainment, and ritual.

We will do many smaller and limited activities cutting across a wide and diverse spectrum.

Events included on the calendar include:

  • Bowling Party in January
  • Museum of the American Revolution Trip in February
  • Family Gun Night in March
  • Trip to New York City in May
  • Family Summer Picnic in July
  • Chess Tournament in July
  • Iron Pig’s Game with Fireworks in August
  • Paintball Day in August
  • Longwood Gardens Trip in September
  • Ladies Night in November
  • Holiday Party in December

Another Special Event we have scheduled for this March is a visit and subsequent hockey game with visitors from Canada.

This event is part of an initiative to broaden our Lodge’s footprint and expand the boundaries of Masonic Fellowship.

The goal is to have numerous activities which cut across the activity spectrum and allow you, our members, to participate in those events which you’re attracted to. In my words, to enjoy FELLOWSHIP, and have FUN.

In closing, dear Brothers, let us know and frequently remind ourselves that:

“Our Lodge is Fine, Our Lodge is Strong

As Family We Act, because We get Along

Let Us Continue in Peace, and Foster Love and Harmony

For We Act as One because WE ARE FAMILY.”

God bless this Masonic year, each and every one of you, and this amazing lodge, Concordia Lodge No. 67, F. & A. M..

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Steven R. Ross, W.M.

Worshipful Master

Concordia Lodge No. 67, F. & A. M.

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